Robert Bradshaw

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Hey there! I'm Robert Bradshaw.
I play guitar, play banjo, love anime, lift a lot, play Overwatch, play Melee/PM, and occasionally code stuff well. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Resume Email

Work Experience


Senior Software Development Engineer
May 2023


Tech lead on the Middle Mile scheduling team – which owns demand forecasting, routing optimization, and truck scheduling for Amazon loads worldwide.


Software Development Engineer II
June 2020

May 2023

SDE on the Middle Mile scheduling team – which owns demand forecasting, routing optimization, and truck scheduling for Amazon loads worldwide.


Software Development Engineer I
February 2019

June 2020

SDE on the Middle Mile scheduling team – which owns demand forecasting, routing optimization, and truck scheduling for Amazon loads worldwide.

Amazon Web Services

Software Development Engineer Intern
May 2018

August 2018

Worked on the Hardware Vetting team. Used Java (Spring MVC), JavaScript (React), various AWS technologies (Kinesis, Lex, S3, CF, SQS, CloudFormation), and ASK. Researched NLP approaches to paraphrase generation.


Software Development Engineer Intern
May 2017

August 2017

Worked on the Prime Student (i.e. Campus Pickup Point) team. Used Java (Spring MVC) and JavaScript (AngularJS) to integrate Amazon's Content Distribution Network with Amazon's Pickup Points in order to dynamically serve marketing content to queuing monitors/kiosks in 100+ locations.

International Business Machines

Security Systems Software Developer Intern
May 2016

August 2016

Worked on the IBM X-Force Security Team. Used Python (Flask), DB2, JavaScript (AngularJS), and PHP.

Gather Technologies, Inc.

Software Development Intern
May 2015

August 2015

Worked as a software developer for a cloud-based event management web application. Used AngularJS, Hapi.js, Node.js, and RethinkDB.


ML Stock Trader


Uses historical adjusted close price of a stock to calculate financial indicators and uses bagged random tree learners (written from scratch in NumPy) to make trading decisions

Systems and Networks


Created a single bus processor and a pipelined processor (using LC-2200 ISA) in Logisim, implemented a two-level cache simulator, a multi-threaded OS process scheduling simulator, and implemented a virtual paging simulator.

NEAT Implementation


Used NEAT (a genetic algorithm) to train computer to play Snake.

Ricochet Frontier


2-D shooter written in C# with Unity

Technical Co-Founder
February 2015 - August 2015

Marketplace that expedites the trading of Bitcoin.

M.U.L.E. Replica

Created a replica of the Atari M.U.L.E. game in JavaFX for CS 2340.


Georgia Institute of Technology
B.S. Computer Science (Information Internetworks and Artificial Intelligence)

Machine Learning For Trading (CS 7646) - Wrote ML algorithms from scratch to employ towards stock trading (used Pandas, NumPy, and SciPy). Machine Learning (CS 4641) - Learned about Supervised Learning, Randomized Optimization, Unsupervised Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. Automata and Complexity (CS 4510) - Automatas, nondeterminism, regular languages/expressions, CFGs, pushdown automatas, Turing machines, reductions, etc. Databases (CS 4400) - Project-based database course (SQL). Mobile Apps & Services (CS 4261) - Android development course. Computer Networking (CS 3251) - Basic networking class. Implemented Reliable Data Transfer using UDP, distance vector routing simulators, and learned about each OSI layer. Systems and Networks (CS 2200) - implemented single bus processor in Logisim (LC-2200 ISA), implemented five-stage pipelined processor in Logisim (LC-2200 ISA), caching, performance metrics, OS process scheduling algorithms, virtual memory (paging), disk scheduling, I/O paradigms, networking (e.g. TCP/IP, UDP) Applied Combinatorics (MATH 3012) - string counting, induction, combinations/permutations, graph theory (coloring, traversal, planar graphs w/ Kuratowski's Theorem, Eularian/Hamiltonian circuits, Cayley's Formula), partially ordered sets, inclusion-exclusion, generating functions (regular and exponential), recurrence equations (with advancement operators), complexity theory (P vs NP) Intro to Artificial Intelligence (CS 3600) - searching algorithms (BFS, DFS, Dijkstra's, and A*), constraint satisfaction problems, Bayes Nets, deep learning, decision tree learning, and neural networks. User Interface Design (CS 3750) - Both a lecture and project-based class about the fundamentals of UX and HCI (human computer interaction) taught by one of the pioneers of HCI -- Gregory Abowd. Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CS 3510) - greedy algorithms, divide and conquer, Big O analysis (w/ Master Theorem), graph algorithms (BFS, DFS, Dijkstra's, Ford-Fulkerson, Strongly Connected Components with Kosaraju and Tarjan's algorithm, Minimum Spanning Trees w/ Prim and Kruskal's algorithms), linear programming, dynamic programming, complexity theory (w/ reductive proofs) Junior Design (CS 3311/LMC 3432) - capstone project Computer Organization (CS 2110) - C, assembly, and circuits (for the purposes of making state machines) Discrete Mathematics (CS 2050) permutations/combinations, induction, counting, divisibility proofs, propositional logic Objects and Design (CS 2340) Group software project class. Data Structures and Algorithms (CS 1332) - linked lists, binary trees, heaps, priority queues, hash maps, AVL trees, sorting algorithms (insertion, selection, bubble, quick, merge, radix), string searching (Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Boyer-Moore, Rabin-Karp), skip lists, graphs (BFS, DFS, Dijkstra's) Object Oriented Programming (CS 1331) - Java course teaching OOP fundamentals, polymorphism, classes/interfaces, inheritance, proper conventions, JavaFX, generics, etc. Calculus III and Linear Algebra for Computer Science Majors (MATH 2605) - Gram-Schmidt, QR, least squares, SVD, Diagonalization, LU factorization, partial pivoting, Householder's, Givens, iterative matrix methods, eigenvalues, numerical methods, etc. Calculus II and Linear Algebra (MATH 1502)